Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bibi Peresyahu

1. Back in the 1990s I invented the term, "Bibi Peresyahu" to refer
to the prime Ministership of Bibi Netanyahu back then. At the time,
Netanyahu was trying to outdo the Israeli Labor Party and Shimon Peres
in pursuing the Oslo "peace process." Netanyahu made concessions even
Peres had refused to make, like turning Hebron over to the savages.
He signed the "Wye Accord," after which I dubbed him the Wye's Man of
Chelm. In domestic matters he refused to do anything serious to
break up the bank cartel or reform the capital market. His main
concern was to be liked by the Israeli leftist media, and that concern
caused him to shift to the Left. The same concern later led Ariel
Sharon by the nose to the Left and to the capitulation to the Hamas in

Well, Bibi Peresyahu is back. He keeps freezing Jewish building in
Jerusalem and its surroundings. A few days ago he announced his
backing for a series of anti-economic populist policy measures favored
by the ultra-Left, like raising the minimum wage and subsidizing water
consumption. And yesterday Mr. Peresyahu came out AGAINST any
parliamentary investigation of leftwing seditious anti-Israel NGOs
operating in Israel. When asked why he is suddenly against this very
popular proposal he had earlier supported, Netanyahu without blinking
replied, "But what will the goyim (nations) say." Really. Never
mind that the nations have lots of similar laws operating in their own
countries for NGOs receiving foreign funding. In the US, any group
getting foreign funding has to register as a lobbyist for a foreign

Maybe Bibi can attend the J Street conference so that the Left will
like him more?

2. The "J" in "J Street" seems to stand for "Jihad"

"J Street" is an anti-Israel lobbying group set up to demonize Israel.
It is a major group in the Anti-Israel Lobby. It loves to whine
about being persecuted by conservative or Zionist "McCarthyists,"
whose sin is that they dare to criticize it. "J Street" is funded by
George Soros (although long tried to hide this fact) and others who
hope it will neutralize the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC. "J Street"
activists include many of the same people who are promoting boycotts
and "divestment" sanctions against Israel. It portends to be
pro-Israel, although its idea of what is pro-Israel is for Israel to
be coerced into capitulating to all the demands of the Hamas, the
Hezbollah, and other anti-Israel terrorist groups.

In a few days, "J Street" plans to hold a large "conference" in
Washington, DC. They are calling it "Give Voice to your Values." (Get
it? The Zionists do not let critics of Israel have a voice!) It is
to host a hodgepodge of anti-Semites, jihadists, Jewish anti-Semites,
and many others from the axis of evil, that alliance of the Far Left
with Islamofascism.

Yesterday I sent out a list of the Moslems and Arabs who have been
invited to serve as speakers at the J Street Nuremberg Rally. See
Today I will tell you about some of the Jews who are to speak there.

Let us note that it has been revealed that a contingent of the Shimon
Peres Center will be attending. This means that the "Center" – run by
Israel's President Shimon Peres himself – will be attending officially
an anti-Israel "conference." That is right – the sitting President of
Israel is sending his people to participate in a conference whose
raison d'etre is bashing Israel. Quite a few Kadima part hacks are
also attending.

The Jewish Speakers at the "J Street" Rally:

By and large, the Jewish spakers are all leftists and are more radical
and more anti-Israel than are the Moslems speaking there. There are
so many of the former that we will not make thumbnail sketches of them
all. They are a mix of anti-Israel American Jews, anti-Israel
Israelis, and even a few European anti-Israel Jewish leftists. Many
of the Jews are active in the malicious "BDS" (Boycot, Divestment,
Sanctions) movement, designed to serve as an economic aggression and
assault against Israel. Many are simply anti-Israel students at US
colleges. Some are leaders in tiny Jewish splinter activist groups.
A few are pseudo-rabbis. Many are people of whom no one in the Jewish
community has ever heard.

Here are just a few of the more outstanding Jewish speakers:

* Eric Alterman, obsessive Israel Basher and semi-Marxist whose
diatribes run in "The Nation."

* Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun, a magazine whose prsecription for
healing the world is a mixture of Marxism and LSD. Lerner may be the
world's most notorious rabbi pretender (he has no rabbinic
ordination). He and his magazine are rigidly anti-Israel and
increasingly pro-Hamas. Lerner demanded that Americans "feel the
pain" of al-Qaeda after the 9-11 attacks.

* Naomi Chazan, president of the far-leftist "New Israel Fund.,"
which finances almost all the leftist groups in Israel that produce
anti-Israel propaganda, especially the smears adopted by the UN's
"Goldstone Commission." Chazan's face with a rhino horn sticking out
of it was placed on billboards by Israel's main Zionist student
organization as protest against the NIF's anti-Israel activities.

* Michael Sfard, leftwing anti-Israel extremist lawyer who works for
the "Association for Civil Rights in Israel," a group that has never
heard of any civil right of Jews that needs defending, nor of any Arab
atrocity that needs condemnation. ACRI is anti-democratic and refuses
to defend freedom of speech for non-Leftists. Sfard may be best known
for his quote: "I am ashamed as an Israeli" (cited at
* Oded Na'aman, head of the seditious "Breaking the Silence" group in
Israel, which has been exposed for repeatedly inventing fictional
"crimes" by Israel and Israeli soldiers, "crimes" that have turned out
never to have existed. The best expose of his groups is the
NGO-Monitor Report entitled, "Breaking WHAT Silence."
* Daniel Sokatch, long-time Israel basher and now CEO of the New
Israel Fund. In the past he was the organizer of anti-Israel
propaganda festivals in the Bay Area.
* David Saperstein – perhaps the leading pseudo-Jewish liberation
"theologian" for North America, a man who believes that all of 5000
years of Judaism can be boiled down to the endorsements of this week's
political correctness fads. He has been praised by the American
Communist Party. His wife, Ellen Weiss, runs the anti-Israel "All
things considered" show on NPR.
* Jessica Montell – executive director of the pro-terror anti-Israel
propaganda lobby B'Tselem, exposed in detail by NGO-Monitor. Famous
for its one-sided anti-Israel reports and creative work with
statistics to paint Israel as a demonic entity.
* Edina Lekovic - Director of Policy and Programming, Muslim Public
Affairs Council, pro-jihad pro-terror lobby group.
* Congressman Steven Cohen from Tennessee, best known for his vile
bile-filled diatribes against American conservatives, whom he
regularly compares with Nazi leaders.
* David Chemla; Director, JCall France, a tiny leftist Bash-Israel
lobby group in France.
* Bernard Avishai, an Israel-bashing tenured extremist from Israel,
dedicating his career to stripping Israel of its capital city.
* Laura Wharton – a member of the Jerusalem City council from the
semi-Marxist Meretz party. Hardly a major player, and included in
this list simply because I have personally crossed swords with her.
On a chat list of Israeli social science professors (she has a PhD in
political "science") she accused me of covering up the fact that the
ultra-Orthodox fringe in Israel is (in her opinion) more violent and
anti-Israel than are Palestinians, and that the ultra-Orthodox would
assault violently (she opined) anyone passing through their
neighborhoods with an Israeli flag. I responded to her on the list
that I would be willing to make a wager with her. I would walk around
ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods for an hour with an Israeli flag and no
skullcap, and she would march about Jenin or Nablus in the West Bank
with an Israeli flag, and whoever was not murdered or violently
attacked would receive $10,000 from the other person. I am still
waiting for her to reply to my challenge. It is now three years
later! Yes, she too will be spinning her "theories" for the "J
Street" conference!

3. The sexist Jewish pogromchik at NYU:


Why Didn't NYU Cut Nir Rosen Loose a Long Time Ago?
Alana Goodman 02.16.2011 - 3:55 PM
It took a Twitter joke about Lara Logan's sexual assault in Egypt to
finally push NYU's Center for Law and Security to revoke Nir Rosen's
fellowship today. The question is, what took so long?
As Jeffrey Goldberg reports at the Atlantic, Rosen has been making
disturbing and violent comments on Twitter for quite awhile. Of
course, the difference was that these remarks took aim at politically
correct targets — America and Israel — while his Tweet mocking Logan's
sexual assault was decidedly un-PC.
Much of Rosen's most vitriol appears to be focused on Israel, and his
Tweets run the gamut from unvarnished hatred of the Jewish state to
outright anti-Semitism:
Many of his tweets are given over to expressions of hatred of Israel,
and wishes for its destruction. He openly advocates for violence
against Israel: "Yes to a 3rd Intifada. This time hopefully with the
support of the Palestinians citizens of 'Israel,'" and he states that
"Israel's existence is a blight unto the nations." …
The creepiest tweet of Rosen's is this one, I think, from December
3rd, 2010: "On Hannuka, Just think, if only the Greeks had been better
at counterinsurgency we wouldn't have these problems today. Where was
Petraeus?" The meaning of this is fairly obvious: Hannukah marks the
defeat of a Syrian-Greek empire by a Jewish insurgency. If the Greeks
had won, the Jews would have been slaughtered. He also wrote that same
day, "genocide is modern concept (except when jews (sic) are doing it
on god's orders in the old testament) greeks were just hellenizing."
Based on the content of Rosen's Tweets, the statement from NYU on his
resignation couldn't have been more tone-deaf:
"Nir Rosen is always provocative, but he crossed the line with his
comments about Lara Logan. I am deeply distressed by what he wrote
about Ms. Logan and strongly denounce his comments," said Karen J.
Greenberg, the executive director of NYU's Center for Law and
So publicly wishing that the Jewish people had been exterminated
thousands of years ago so that "we wouldn't have these problems today"
doesn't cross a line? Calling for a third intifada and the violent
destruction of the Jewish state doesn't cross a line? Apparently, NYU
believes that's just being "provocative."
The university stayed silent as Rosen repeatedly glorified violence
against the Jewish people. And the sad truth is that if not for his
celebration of the sexual assault of a journalist, he would still have
his job to

4. Tel Aviv University graduate student Omar Barghouti runs the
anti-Semitic Pacbi.org group that leads the economic aggression
against Israel, promoting boycotts of Israel and Israeli institutions,
including of course Tel Aviv University. He was due to visit the US
this coming April to promote his malicious "book" – "Boycott,
Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights."

To congratulate the State Department people on an unusually
intelligent and responsible decision, write to:
U.S. Consulate:
Consul General Daniel Rubinstein
U.S. Consulate General, Jerusalem
18 Agron Road, Jerusalem 94190
Tel.: +972.2.622.7230, Fax: +972.2.625.9270
Department of State:
Visa Services
Public Inquiries Division
To tell the heads of Tel Aviv University what you think of the fact
that a TAU student is leading the economic aggression against Israel,
go here: http://isracampus.org.il/How%20to%20Complain.htm

5. Well it looks like Khaddafi has fled his sinking rat-infested
ship, and there are conflicting reports as to his whereabouts. Since
he seems hard up for a nice holiday rental, I wanted to suggest we
offer him his own private room with bath in Gitmo. Water(boarding)
bills on the house.

As the world celebrates, let us also bear in mind the mindless
cowardice of the UK and the US in appeasing Khaddafi for so many
years. I refer to their willingness to pretend that they did not know
that he was behind the Lockerbie atrocity. And then Britain released
the jailed terrorist responsible for that bombing as a "goodwill
gesture." And the US normalized relations with Khaddafi with no
retaliation for Lockerbie. Meanwhile, Haaretz dragged out today that
long-ago-debunked urban legend about how supposedly Khaddafi's
daughter was killed when the US bombed Libya after Libyan agents
murdered US servicemen in Germany. Add that to the al-Dura hoax.
Come to think of it, there is room in Gitmo for some Haaretz editors
as well.

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