Sunday, October 30, 2011

Latest Israeli Academic Atrocities

Israeli Academics in the News – Part I

We have reported regularly on the antics and shenanigans of Tel
Aviv University's Anat Matar, one of the worst tenured extremists at
Tel Aviv University. She is violent and has been arrested for her
violence. She despises Israel and wants it destroyed. She is a
tenured faculty member in philosophy.

Well, Sister Matar is back in the news these days as a cheerleader
and open endorser of terrorist murders of Israelis. She is one of the
Israeli airhead leftists who held a celebration of the freeing of the
1000 plus terrorists in the "prisoner exchange deal" that purchased
the liberation of Gilad Shalit. But she was not celebrating because
Shalit was being freed, but rather because murderers of Jews were
being set free.

One of those released from Israeli prison was convicted terrorist
Muchlas Burjal. He had thrown a grenade at a bus with Jews inside,
except the grenade did not go off. Anat Matar has proclaimed him a
hero and participated in the welcoming celebrations when he returned
home. She organized a group of Israeli leftists to greet the
terrorist at his home, bedecked in PLO flags, joined by Arab fascist
members of the Israeli parliament.

Cited in Makor Rishon October 28, 2011, Matar says that Burjal is
a hero because he threw the grenade at a bus carrying Israeli soldiers
and not civilians, and such an attack is a legitimate form of
resistance. Oh, and not to worry, Matar's own son was not inside the
bus because he served time in prison for refusing to do army service
altogether. Matar is now lobbying for the release of another
convicted terrorist, one Walid Daka, who murdered Israeli soldier
Moshe Tamam. Matar insists that Daka is actually innocent because he
says he is. The court that convicted him disagrees. In an interview
with Makor Rishon, Matar expressed support for terrorist violence by
Palestinian against Israelis as resistance to "occupation."

Curiously, some of the other Israeli ultra-leftist academic
extremists are denouncing Sister Anat. For example, Alon Harel, a
radical professor of law at the Hebrew University, criticized her for
her celebrations of terrorism.

Are you concerned that a tenured member of the faculty at Tel Aviv
University is working as a promoter of murdering Jews and as an
enabler of terrorist atrocities? Why not tell the heads of TAU what
you think?:

Tel Aviv University:
President, Professor Joseph Klafter
Tel Aviv University
P.O. Box 39040
Tel Aviv 69978
Tel: 972-3-6408254
Fax: 972-3-6406466

Rector: Prof. Dany Leviatan
Tel Aviv University
P.O. Box 39040
Tel Aviv 69978

American Friends Offices of Tel Aviv University:
Other "Friends of" Groups:
Here are a few items that can tell you more about Anat Matar:

Israeli Academics in the News – Part II

Friends of Raed Salah: Ilan Pappe says the blood libel isn't anti-Semitic
Lucy Lips, October 27th 2011, 2:39 pm
The Immigration Tribunal ruling upholding the Home Office's ban of
Raed Salah takes as established fact that the cleric said this in East
Jerusalem in 2007:
"We have never allowed ourselves, and listen well, we have never
allowed ourselves to knead the bread for the breaking of the fast
during the blessed month of Ramadan with the blood the children. And
if someone wants a wider explanation, you should ask what used to
happen to some of the children of Europe, whose blood would be mixed
in the dough of the holy bread. God Almighty, is this religion? Is
this what God wants? God will confront you for what you are doing."
There is no other interpretation as a matter of history or elementary
literacy for such a statement than the following: Raed Salah was
presenting the blood libel — i.e. the medieval conspiracy theory that
Jews bake bread with the blood of Gentile children — as legitimate.
"God Almighty, is this religion?" clearly refers to Judaism in this
context, not to Islam or to Christianity, as having incorporated
cannibalism or vampirism into its holy ritual, thereby distinguishing
beween such alleged barbarism and the purity of Islam ("We have never
allowed ourselves…").
Crucially, Raed Salah, the court tells us, seems to understand that
the blood libel is anti-Semitic and yet he somehow denies that this is
what he has advanced. His defence has argued, to quote from the court
ruling summary of the defence's case, that
The reference to the holy bread was a metaphor used to convey an
example of those who had falsely used religion to justify their
crimes. It refers to the actions of Israelis who use religion to
subject the Palestinians to oppression. The Appellant drew a parallel
with the crimes of the Spanish Inquisition. The Appellant's evidence
is supported by that of Professor Ilan Pappe who although describing
the Appellant's address as at times incoherent and emotive, said the
Appellant did not invoke the blood libel in this or any other speech,
and made a clear distinction between Jews as a race and the actions of
Israeli officials. The words used by the Appellant on this occasion
did not amount to blood libel because he did not refer to Jewish
bread; the message of the address was not anti-Semitic or even
anti-Zionist, but directed to the violation of Muslim rights in

For more stories of academic atrocities involving Israeli (pseudo-?)
academics, go to

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